Program Highlights:
13:30 - Registration and welcome
14:30 - Opening by Eelko Brinkhoff, Managing Director Foreign Investments
& International Trade Brabant Development Agency (BOM)
14:35 - Warm welcome by Ina Adema, King's Commissioner Province of Noord-Brabant
14:45 - Celebrating 40 years of BOM by Brigit van Dijk – van de Reijt,
CEO Brabant Development Agency (BOM)
14:55 - The Dutch economy and the international developments that influence it
by Mathijs Bouman, Dutch economist and journalist.
16:00 - Panel Discussion + Q&A hosted by Eelko Brinkhoff
16:40 - TNO/Holst Centre - Ton van Mol, Managing Director TNO at Holst Centre
17:00 - Expat Spouses Initiative by
Alina Totti, Policy Advisor International cooperation & Labour market at
Province of Brabant
Kavitha Varathan, Founder & CEO at Expat Spouses Initiative
Ed Heerschap, Program Coordinator Living in Holland Expat Center South
17:25 - Closing Remarks by Marc Glaudemans Director, Economy, Internationalization,
Mobility & Infra of Noord-Brabant and Eelko Brinkhoff
17:30 - Networking reception and diner
20:00 - End of the event
Brabant is Bright Day
Registration website for Brabant is Bright DayBrabant is Bright
Brabant is Bright Dayevents@bom.nl
Brabant is Bright DayBrabant is Bright Day0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Provincie Noord-BrabantProvincie Noord-BrabantBrabantlaan 1 5216 TV 's-Hertogenbosch Netherlands